An Artwork About the Artwork?
The dance world is traditionally accustomed to seeing the figure of the critic standing there, slightly above the artists, judging or attempting to provide a solid, grounded, and unbiased opinion about an artwork.
The dance world is traditionally accustomed to seeing the figure of the critic standing there, slightly above the artists, judging or attempting to provide a solid, grounded, and unbiased opinion about an artwork.
Jonathan Gray was the last editor-in-chief of the world-renowned magazine Dancing Times. Unfortunately, after the coronavirus pandemic, the magazine announced its closure with the issuing of one last edition in September 2022
Czech Dance News in cooperation with the Czech Dance Platform will organize workshops Dance Criticism in the European Context and a discussion focusing on the development of art criticism in the Czech Republic.
Open panel discussion will take place 24th April in Prague and online. What is the status of a dance critic in Europe, what are the conditions, obstacles and pleasures of dance writing? What does dance writing mean to the development of dance?
Apply to be one of the eight writers who will discuss Writing about dance.
As is seems, there’s been a growing discourse on the issue of dance criticism recently. What purpose does (or should) dance criticism serve?
Kata Zagorski
Neprávem? Tak to som sa chvíľu snažila zistiť, či právem alebo neprávem, aj či bola právem alebo neprávem vrátená späť,…Padesátka tanečníků burcuje bratislavskou scénu v nové inscenaci Bolero