CALL FOR PAPERS Dance Context Journal 2024

Dance Context Journal is a periodical published by the Czech organization Taneční aktuality, o.p.s., following on from a previous publication called Special Edition. It takes an analytical focus to current issues and developments in dance, nonverbal theatre, and new circus. The Journal is published bilingually, in Czech and English, once a year. Peer-reviewed articles in the field of dance and movement theatre are also published in the Journal.

Dance in Public Space

Dance is no longer – and in fact has never been – an indoor activity, confined to the walls of the theatre. The first expressions of dance in society probably took place in open spaces where communities came together. The choreographic element appeared within a religious context, at outdoor festivals and court festivities, and later during the 20th century, the concept of site-specific dance emerged within postmodern dance, bringing choreography into non-theatrical and outdoor spaces with which it could interact, spaces that were atypical for performance. At the same time, movement and dance are intrinsically linked to an expression towards the current affairs which take place within a public space – artists comment on social and political issues, raise topics for discussion, and express opinions.

‘Dance in Public Space’ thus provides a space for a wide range of perspectives on dance and movement art, from choreological, sociological, and anthropological perspectives. Public space can be interpreted literally as a place, but also metaphorically as a concept or theme.

We invite submissions of articles that address (but are not limited to) the following themes and approaches:

  • The relationship between dance and public spaces from theatrical (artistic) and social (anthropological), contemporary, and historical perspectives.
  • Site-specific projects and outdoor dance in general from the perspective of the artist and/or the viewer/passerby.
  • The transformation of a piece when moving from a theatrical to a non-theatrical/outdoor space and vice versa.
  • Politically and socially-attuned projects which comment on current issues.
  • A combination of the previous points: site specific with a political message (e.g. environmentalism, postcolonialism, feminism, racism, LGBT+ issues).
  • Dance at public festivals and shows (folklore festivals etc.).
  • Crowd movement in public spaces – e.g. the flash mob phenomenon.
  • The presentation of dance in public spaces (advertising, promotion).


The publication contains three sections with different types of content:

  • an introductory section, not related to the theme of the issue, containing three summaries from the Czech theatre season in the fields of ballet, contemporary dance, and nonverbal theatre/new circus (this section is not covered by the call for papers)
  • the first thematic section, which publishes popular science articles, essays by critics, theorists, artists, etc. These articles range in length from 5,400 to 18,000 characters.
  • the second thematic section, in which scholarly articles are published that are evaluated through the peer-review process. These articles must meet the standards of scientific articles in terms of theory, methodology, citation of sources, and range in length from 18,000 to 36,000 characters.

Please send your abstract submission (150 to 300 words) and a short CV (100 words) by 15 November 2023 via this form. When sending abstracts, please specify whether the article is intended for the first thematic section (popular science texts / essays) or the second thematic section (scientific articles).

Selected authors will be contacted by 15 December 2023. The deadline for submission is then 31 January 2024 for non-peer-reviewed articles, 15 February 2024 for peer-reviewed articles.


Editors Dance Context Journal 2024: 

MgA. Petra Dotlačilová, Ph.D. et Ph.D.

MgA. Zuzana Rafajová, Ph.D.


Editorial Board 2024: 

MgA. Mgr. Josef Bartoš, Ph.D., choreologist, a graduate of the Duncan Center Conservatory and Psychology at Charles University, editor-in-chief of the online magazine Taneční

Mgr. MgA. Lucie Hayashi, Ph.D., choreologist, head of the dance department at the Faculty of Music and Dance at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, co-founder of Taneční aktuality.

Mgr. Jan Jiřík, Ph.D., theatre scholar, head of the Department of Theory and Criticism at the Theatre Faculty of Academic Arts.

Mgr. art. Ivica Liszkayová, Ph.D., choreologist and teacher, head of the Music and Dance Faculty Research Centre at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava.

Mgr. Jitka Pavlišová, Ph.D., theatre and dance scholar, assistant professor at the Department of Theatre and Film Studies at Palacký University in Olomouc and the Department of Theory and Criticism at DAMU.

Katja Vaghi, Ph.D., dance scholar and choreographer, teacher at the Rambert School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance (UK), and the University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Coburg (DE).